MycoToxin Test - A Mold Toxicity Test
Commonly found molds and fungi such as penicillin and aspergilla can cause serious toxicity.
Molds grow on grains, fruits, nuts, spices, wines, juices and perishable items, especially in warm, damp and humid conditions. Most mycotoxins can survive food processing & cause serious health problems related to kidneys, lever, abdomen, and immune system.
This at-home mycotoxins test checks 16 most common mycotoxins from 300 different varieties of molds.
Our At-Home Mycotoxins Urine Test is easy, fast, reliable, and requires just a few steps:
Order Online.
Receive Your Mycotoxin Test Kit and Collect Sample at Home.
Ship It Back For FREE To Our World-Class CLIA Labs (US only).
Receive Secure, Confidential, & Easy-To-Understand Report Within Days for Your Comprehensive Mold Toxins Test.
What are mycotoxins?
Toxins produced by molds and fungi are called mycotoxins.
Molds often grow on household items such as grains, cereals, oats, fruits, spices, coffee beans, wines, and nuts. Animals can also be a source, e.g., through milk or meats. Therefore, mycotoxins can be easily found in our daily diets.
Damp, humid and warm conditions allow easy growth of molds, especially after harvesting or storage for long periods.
Mycotoxins can have serious health impact on kidneys, liver, immune system, hormone health, and a baby's development during pregnancy.
Food processing might not fully eliminate such toxins and they can survive high temperatures and prolonged cooking, thereby easily getting into our diets.
Most common symptoms of mycotoxin toxicity include nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and stomachache and skin irritation,
What are some of the most common mycotoxins?
There are hundreds of known mycotoxins. Most common mycotoxins include:
Aflatoxins - most poisonous mycotoxins produced by Aspergillus family of molds that grow in soil or on decaying grains, vegetables or hay for animal feed.
Ochratoxin A - a very common mycotoxin found in food due to contamination from Penicillium and Aspergillus family of molds.
Patulin - is often found in mold-infected apples and apple juice.
Fumonisins - from corn infection by Fusarium fungi.
Zearalenone (ZEN) - from wheat infection by Fusarium.
Trichothecenes - such as Nivalenol (NIV), deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2 and HT-2 (both from infection of oats).
Why are some of the mycotoxins tested with a MycoToxins Test?
A MycoToxins Profile Test checks urine metabolites of 16 most common mycotoxins from five families:
Aflatoxin B1
Aflatoxin B2
Aflatoxin G1
Aflatoxin G2
Stratoxin G
Stratoxin H
Isostratoxin F
Roridin A
Roridin E
Roridin H
Roridin L-2
Verrucarin A
Verrucarin J
Other mycotoxins:
Ochratoxin A (OTA)
Zearalenone (ZEA)
How to one easily and conveniently test for mycotoxins?
An easy, low cost method of measuring your mold toxin levels is by using an easy, convenient urine test at home. Simply order the test kit, collect the urine sample at home, ship it for free (within US) to our world class CLIA-certified labs, and find out your mycotoxins levels within a few days. Unlike a blood test, a urine sample makes it especially useful for those fearful of needles.
Be informed, read more
Mycotoxins were first identified in London, UK in 1962 from an unexpected death of 100,000 turkeys. For such interesting facts and detailed discussion on mycotoxins, you can read more here.
Q: Can I purchase the test across US?
A: Except New York and New Jersey our tests are available in all 48 states. State regulations in NY, NJ do not allow us to ship the tests to their residents.
Q: What does the kit contain and how do I use it?
A: The kit contains a urine collection tube, instructions on how to collect the samples, and a form requesting some basic information such as date and time of collection. The directions are straight forward and easy to follow. Your kit includes FREE and a prepaid return envelope (for orders within US). We can ship to any address outside US but you will need to pay for return shipping.
Q: How long does it take to receive the results?
A: You will receive the mycotoxins test kit within 3-5 business days. After you ship the sample and it is received by our lab, you get the results within 10-12 business days.
Q: What do I expect from the report?
A: The report with your test results will be easy to understand and will have all the necessary details. It will mark your levels on a healthy range and will specify what are the expected low and high ranges. It will briefly discuss what your numbers mean and next steps you should take to maintain healthy levels.
Q: Can I use my insurance to pay for the test?
A: You can use HSA (or FSA/MSA/HRA) accounts to pay for the tests since these are prescription tests (for further confirmation, please check the IRS publication#969). However, please ensure you are not going outside your specified max and min deductible limits. We do not have the capability to process the insurance claim. Since insurance plans vary for individuals we can not guarantee your HSA payment will always be processed by your plan. We suggest talking to your insurance provider if you have any questions.
Q: How reliable are my tests and how do I ensure my results are accurate?
A: Measuring urine metabolites of mycotoxins is a growing field.
The variations in results are mainly from two sources: the way samples are collected and the variation from lab-to-lab.
To minimize the first variation, we provide detailed instructions on how to collect the sample.
To minimize the variation from labs, we have partnered with CLIA-certified labs that are regulated by the states, as well as Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Many tests from these labs are FDA approved to ensure they meet the proper regulatory requirements. Additionally, the College of American Pathologists (CAP) requires inter-laboratory tests to ensure the ranges established by each lab do not drift or are not out of acceptable ranges. This is done by regularly testing reference samples between different labs. Finally, the labs test thousands of samples for different age groups and health conditions, and have well established reference data to compare your results against this large pool.
Q: Can you recommend what therapy should if my numbers are high or low?
A: Unfortunately, no. As a lab test provider we can only test and report out data from your sample. We are not authorized to provide any medical recommendations. But we strongly encourage you to discuss the results with your doctor for next steps.