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Candida Fungal Infection Test

Categories:Allergy & Sensitivity
Sample Type:Finger prick (dry blood spot)
Markers:IgA, IgG, IgM antibodies and Candida antigen
Available across US and Canada (except NY, NJ)
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At-Home Candida Test

The yeast Candida can cause infection when it grows out of control. Using a few drops of blood with a simple finger prick, the at-home candidiasis blood test checks for infection in blood stream that can have serious health impact.

Mouth and throat infections (called "thrush") are common but the more invasive Candidiasis is highly persistent infection. If your at-home candida test detects the presence of antibodies, this suggests past or ongoing infections, while presence of the Candida antigen may suggest an infection in the blood stream.

By using RxHomeTest’s at-home candida test, you can check for a candida infection from home. Just order your at-home candida test kit, collect your finger prick samples, and ship the kit to our labs for free for review by our world-class physicians. Once you get the results of your candida self-test, you can discuss them with your doctor and get the treatment you need to rid your body of the candida fungus.

Our At Home Candida Test is easy, fast, reliable, and requires just a few steps:

  1. Order Online.

  2. Receive The Kit And Collect Sample At Home.

  3. Ship It Back For FREE To Our World-Class CLIA Labs (US only).

  4. Receive Secure, Confidential, & Easy-To-Understand Report Within Days For Your Comprehensive At Home Candida Yeast Infection Test.


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