Certain genes increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or blood clots.
Using a saliva swab, the Factor II and Factor V test checks for your genetic risk of developing blood clots. More specifically, it looks for G20210A Prothrombin mutation and G1691A Leiden mutation.
Our Blood Clots Genetic Risk Test is easy, fast, reliable, and requires just a few steps:
Order Online.
Receive The Kit And Collect Sample At Home.
Ship It Back For To Our World-Class CLIA Labs.
Receive Secure, Confidential, & Easy-To-Understand Report Within Days To Understand Your Genetic Risk of DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) and Blood Clots.
Our body has a natural method to stop bleeding, by clotting the blood around the wound.
But sometimes, a blood clot can also form inside the body, a process called thrombophilia (technical term is VTE or venous thromboembolism).
Such blood clots often form in the legs, deep in the veins and are called DVT or deep vein thrombosis.
They can travel to the lungs causing pulmonary embolism, a serious form of blood clotting.
There are several reasons behind an increase in blood clotting:
Age - risk doubles every ten years after age 55 years.
Certain medicines, e.g., APLA (antiphospholipid antibodies) for lupus, heart etc.
Family history and genetic mutations increase the risk three to four times.
Pregnancy increases the risk five to six times and can be as high as twenty-times after delivery.
Travel, especially long distance (over 4 hours), doubles the risk of blood clot in legs.
Other medical conditions such as obesity, hospitalization, cancer, use of central nervous catheters, surgery or trauma also raise the risk of blood clots.
Certain genetic mutations increase the risk of DVT.
Two inherited conditions are:
Factor II Prothrombin mutation
Factor V Leiden mutation
The prothrombin protein is important to stop bleeding during an injury. But certain mutations can cause overproduction which increase the risk of blood clots.
A guanine (G) to adenine (A) mutation at position 20210 causes hypercoagulation (more prone to clotting). Factor II Prothrombin is one of the second common inherited mutation, and can be as high at 15% in certain people of European ancestry.
However, the most common inherited DVT and blood clot risk mutation is Factor V Leiden, found in up to 30-50% cases in US and Europe.
It is a mutation from guanine (G) to adenine (A) at position 1691 in Factor V gene which makes the protein of same name.
You can order an easy, low-cost genetic test to assess your risk of blood clot or DVT without going to a doctor or lab: (1) Order a test kit online; (2) collect saliva with a few swabs; (3) send the sample to our CLIA-certified labs; and (4) find out your risk in few days.
A: Except New York and New Jersey our tests are available in all 48 states. State regulations in NY, NJ, do not allow us to ship the tests to their residents.
A: The kit for blood clot genetic risk contains: (1) a saliva swab tube, (2) clear and concise instructions to collect the sample, and (3) a Test Requisition form for basic information including date and time of collection. The directions simple and easy to follow.
A: After you place the order, most kits are mailed the say day. You should receive the kit in 3-5 business days with a return envelope (FREE return shipping included for all orders within US). After the lab receives your sample, the results are available in 5-7 business days on the secure website portal.
A: Your samples are kept by the lab for two weeks and the extracted DNA is kept for about 3 months. The samples are disposed off in biohazardous waste that is picked up by a certified waste management company that specializes in medical waste disposal and follows strict regulatory guidelines.
Regarding your data: we are required to maintain the data for a minimum of 2 years. Your data is released only to those authorized by you. We also ensure that such information is maintained in the strictest confidence in accordance with HIPAA and other applicable federal and state laws and regulations. In certain cases, we may release information to a third party if such information is required for medical treatment or by federal or state law.
A: The report with your test results will be easy to understand and will have all the necessary details. It will mark your blood clot genes and color code your risk (green - minimum risk, red - highest risk). It will briefly discuss what the results mean.
A: No. We do not have the capability to process the insurance claim. Insurance plans vary by individuals and may not pay for genetic testing. Please talk to your insurance provider if you have any further concerns.
A: We have partnered with CLIA and CAP certified labs that are used by doctors across the US. These labs are regulated by the states, as well as Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). A large number of the tests from these labs are FDA approved to ensure they meet the proper regulatory requirements. Additionally, the College of American Pathologists (CAP) requires inter-laboratory tests to ensure the ranges established by each lab do not drift or are not out of acceptable ranges. This is done by regularly testing reference samples between different labs. Finally, the labs test thousands of sample for different age groups and health conditions, and have well established reference data to compare your results against this large pool.
A: Unfortunately, no. As a lab test provider we can only test and report out data from your samples. We are not authorized to provide any medical recommendations. But we strongly encourage you to discuss the results with your doctor for next steps.
An at-home blood clot genetic risk test, when ordered online and collected from your home, can help check your risk of DVT and and blood clots.
A DVT genetic test from RxHomeTest.com help understand the potential future risk of blood clots when you travel frequently or have a sedentary life style without much movement.
Those who inherit certain mutations of prothrombin or factor V are at much higher risk of developing blood clots and their risk can be checked with a DVT thrombosis test.
Our test can help you assess the genetic risk of pulmonary embolism and confirm dvt deep vein thrombosis symptoms right from the comfort of your home.
Better health gives better quality of life, and a genetic test from RxHomeTest.com can offer insight into your health symptoms, and can serve as a motivation to treat each of these symptoms and have a better quality of life!
Reasons to order an deep vein thrombosis genetic risk test kit from RxHomeTest.com:
No lab visits or doctor appointments
Saliva test (no finger pricks and blood sample)
World class CLIA and CAP certified labs
Transparent pricing
Fast, secure, and confidential reports
Free shipping both ways
Still wondering where to get a test?
Each at-home health test from RxHomeTest.com includes a detailed review of the final results. All orders include a comprehensive report with your genetic test results explained clearly in a manner that you can understand. If you believe you might be observing a cognitive decline or has a family history, this low cost is test is the best way to find out.
RxHomeTest.com is one of the best places to test as we process your tests at some of the best CLIA-Certified labs that other physicians use but no lab or doctor visit is required. So rest assured that your is being processed in a world class lab.
RxHomeTest.com offers one of the best tests for genetics, with convenient, confidential, and reliable results at some of the lowest prices in the market.
At-home Factor II and Factor V genetic test is quick and easy, can be ordered online, and doesn’t require a doctor’s visit or prescription. This saves time and money on visits to the doctor and the lab.
We use the latest technology and work hard to secure all your information and will never share it with third parties.